
Showing posts from November, 2016

Six Thirty Saturday Nite (Prince of Peace) - November 26, 2016

For the first week of our Advent series, we looked at a prophecy made by Micah 700 years before the birth of Christ. Jesus was and is the promised Prince of Peace who would be born in the little town of Bethlehem. #630SN #ChurchOnTheGo #Advent #Christmas

Six Thirty Saturday Nite (Prince of Peace) – November 26, 2016

For the first week of our Advent series, we looked at a prophecy made by Micah 700 years before the birth of Christ. Jesus was and is the promised Prince of Peace who would be born in the little town of Bethlehem. #630SN #ChurchOnTheGo #Advent #Christmas from Paradigm Shift Ministries via IFTTT

Six Thirty Saturday Nite (A New Nation) – November 12, 2016

Welcome to Six Thirty Saturday Nite. Tonight, we are going to look at the story of Jacob, who would overcome his own troubled past to become the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. But before we get to that, I want to take a moment to address the pain and fear I have seen on social media this week. Twelve years ago, I had the opportunity to represent my country as a student ambassador to Europe. As I walked the old battlefields and toured the empty cathedrals, I realized two things: First, my generation has no idea what true tyranny and injustice looks like, and second, deep-rooted social scars will not heal as long as the churches remain empty. It was on that trip when I felt God calling me into ministry. On the eve of Bastille Day, I stood overlooking the beaches of Normandy feeling overwhelmed by the sacrifice so many brave men and women made for the freedom of people they would never meet. They lived and died for a cause bigger than themselves. That night, somewhere over the ...

Ambassadors of the King (Election Day)

Tomorrow is Election Day here in the United States. Our nation has become bitterly divided over a great many issues, including whether or not our chosen candidates are fit for office. We live in uneasy times, but as the Church, we should be the bearers of Good News despite the political turmoil. However, one aspect of the election season I find to be of great distress is when local congregations put their patriotism above their allegiance to the crown of Christ. Yes, as American citizens, we have both the right and the privilege to vote for or against our elected officials. This, along with the freedom protected by our Constitution and Bill of Rights, is a great help to the work of the local church, but we must not forget the fact that we are answerable to a higher authority. Let us remember what the Apostle Paul wrote in his Epistle to the Romans: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been inst...